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Some scores of my second album the sound of life
Noam Bonnand

I propose here in free download some scores of my second album The sound of life . Level of these is between 3 and 5th year of piano. You find on the web site in videos the piecesDistant and childhood.

36.Love (Level 2nd year)
10.Taste (level 3rd to the 5th year)
11.childhood (level 3rd to the 4th year)
39.Ideal (level 4th year)
53.Distant (level 5th year)
1.Nothingness (level 7th to the 8th year)

This part my scores in for purpose to show the style of my writing, as well as to allow you to play some pieces of my 2nd album The sound of life for The pianists who already have to practise a little the piano. It is possible that I add the others a little later. I would make some videos too...