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Detailed Biography 3* Noam Bonnand

In 12 years Glenn Gould's discovery, Bach, and Chopin

During my days full of music and whim, I discover the famous classic works, and the recordings of Glenn Gould...

Glenn Gould lettres, toute la correspondance de Gould présentées par Ghyslaine Guerin et 
John Roberts
Glenn Gould in New York in 1959, portrait by Arnold Newman.
"Glenn Gould Letters"  Book of Ghyslaine Guerrin and John Roberts
Edition -Musique/Passé/Présent-

Fascinated by the mechanism of the keyboard and the movement of hammers on strings, I opened the piano to see moving hammers when I played, by trying to replay the pieces of Bach interpreted by Gould (Anna Magdalena's small book) and some chopin's studies too difficult for me (op 10 n°1).

Curious to know how lived a baroque composer without electricity. I had fun in secret, to copy some musics with the light of the candle.

Ecrire de la musique à la lueur d'une bougie comme au temps de Bach
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