I wish that this website looks like me and is a part of myself like the tail of a piano Steinway is the continuation of the piano, as the breath is attached to lungs, as legs and arms of the body make the enjoyment of the dynamism and the energy. Share of the feelings, the beauty, the dream.
The piano, the music,the art, the culture ,the dream, the poetry,the beauty, the journey ,the nature, the unusual, the pleasure of the feelings. These words so essential and reassuring are a part of my creative preoccupations since several years. Everybody looks and can find a little of happiness thanks to these words and these sensations expressed through music, the poetry, the creation. The art and the creativity have a magic which provokes in us these profound feelings which act subtly in the communication between people.
Long complex road which makes us travel in most small corners of the human soul. Is not it in his work that the artist is closest of himself ? The tastes of each one for a book, a poem, a painting, a movie, an performer, a musician expresses a part of ourselves. To develop your tastes, to refine your sensibility, to listen to your feelings will move closer to you a little more of yourself. The art and the creation in a certain magic to understand better.
A web site must be unique and has to bring something again to touch the public. As the artist, the art is alive, its work and its evolution also. This Web site looks like the artist who has him create, in evolution with him and with the public.
The development of this web site is a reflection which I am going to pursue little by little in the time. Comments, impressions, and suggestions of the visitors will be welcome, so artistic as technical. This web site is the result of two working years.
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